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Bilbo's Glow in the Dark Sting
From the classic story and epic movie 'The Hobbit' comes a range of incredibly detailed replicas. Play safe, foam outer with a strong fiberglass core, all our Hobbit weapons look as real as they would in the hands of the characters on screen.
All your favourite character's weapons are available - check them all out!
The Flash Comic
Strip Desk Lamp
The Fastest Man on Earth in comic strip action! Just part of our range of desk lamps.
The Flash logo lamp also comes as a night light along with all your DC comics favourites.
​Wicked Shopping
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Lets do business!
Once approved, ordering online is THIS easy . . .
The Legend
has begun...
An Ogre's Club, A Samurai's Sword, even a Viking's legendary weapon are just some of the incredible range of weapons available.
Discover Battle Legend Classic and Sentinels. Fight wars with latex!
"Hi, we're Drups
the cutest baby dragons you'll ever meet!"
If fluffy stuff is more your style, these cute little dragon pups certainly make the grade.